Embrace The Darkness Read online

Page 5

  Damocles felt blood running down his cheek but he did not so much as flinch. “That shall never happen, my lord. Not so long as I am at your side.”

  “Oh yes, my sweet imp, such loyalty,” the voice mocked.

  “It is as deep and endless as the sea.”

  “More like as deep and endless as my coffers.”

  The imp offered a half bow. “We all have our weaknesses, do we not?”

  “Bah.” The shadow stirred with a restless impatience. “I want that demon. Awaken your pet.”

  Damocles straightened, his thoughts racing at this most unexpected turn. He prided himself on preparing for every eventuality. On reading the future with uncanny skill.

  He was never caught off guard, never unprepared.

  On this occasion, however, he had to admit that his cunning wiles had failed him.

  Most annoying.

  “My pet?” He lightly touched his golden chain. “Surely not yet, my lord? It is bound to stir unwelcome attention. I have several—”

  His words were choked off as a pressure encircled his throat and cut off his air.

  “Have you forgotten who is master here, imp?”

  Black flecks were dancing before Damocles’s eyes before the pressure at last eased and he was allowed to suck in a lung full of air.

  A fury raced through his blood but with the ease of long practice Damocles lowered himself to his knees and bent his head as was expected of a proper servant.

  His plans could be altered. He was nothing if not resourceful.

  “Of course not, my lord. It shall be as you desire.” He slowly lifted his head. “Still, there is no guarantee that there will not be casualties.”

  “What do I care as long as it is not the Shalott?” the shadow demanded.

  “The vampire—”

  “A necessary sacrifice.”

  Damocles deliberately paused. “Necessary perhaps, but I do not believe your Ravens will be so understanding.”

  That painful hiss echoed through the cave. “Which is why they shall not learn of my plan. Is that clear?”

  He hid a smile. At least he need not concern himself with that meddling band of jackasses. They had done their best to interfere in his plots and schemes and he had promised himself a proper punishment. He was very good at punishment.

  But not now. Not yet.

  “Perfectly, my lord. Indeed I shall go along to ensure that there are no unfortunate mistakes.”

  “A wise decision.”

  Damocles slowly rose to his feet, his thoughts racing. “But first I believe I shall pay a visit on the troll.”

  There was a suspicious pause. “Why? He is meaningless.”

  The imp smiled. “Not so meaningless. He holds the curse that binds the Shalott.”


  “If he dies, she dies. I think it would be wiser to have him in our care to keep him out of the hands of our enemies.”

  “Yes, yes, of course,” the shadow rasped. “I should have thought of that. We cannot risk having that troll running loose. Anything could happen to him.”

  “I will attend to him personally.”

  “Good.” The shadow stirred with a harsh sigh. “I must rest.”

  Damocles offered a low bow. “Certainly, my lord. Conserve your strength. Soon enough you will be strong and whole once again.”

  There was a brief silence. “Damocles?”

  “Yes, my lord?”

  “You will send me what I need tonight?”

  The imp hid his smile of satisfaction. “I have everything prepared.”

  “You must take care. If the Ravens…”

  “I will be the soul of discretion.”

  “Good. Now go before you are missed.”

  With one last bow Damocles was moving through darkness. There was a direct path to the upper caves, but he was wise enough to avoid it. He was well aware that the damnable Ravens devoted a great deal of effort to keeping track of his movements. It pleased him to be able to slip past their spies with such ease.

  He had reached the narrow path that would lead to his own private caves when a shadow abruptly loomed before him. He didn’t have to wait for the form to step into the flickering light of the nearby torch to know who blocked his path.

  Only one possessed the arrogance to regard him as if he were a bit of filth stuck to the bottom of his boot.

  “Hold, Damocles, I would have a word with you.”

  Damocles regarded the tall, fiercely handsome vampire with a taunting smile.

  “Ah, if it isn’t Sir Tall, Dark, and Gloomy. What’s the matter? Did you weary of frightening the rats in the cellars and come in search of more elusive game?”

  The bronzed features remained impassive. Nothing seemed to touch the leader of the Ravens. Not insults. Not threats. Not even blatant flattery.

  A fact that annoyed the hell out of Damocles.

  “Where have you been?” the man simply known as Styx demanded.

  Damocles gave a lift of his brows. “I have been performing a small task for our master.”

  “What task?”

  “Obviously that is between me and my master.”

  A cold flare of power washed over Damocles as the towering demon took a step forward.

  “I could have the truth from you if I desired.”

  “And I could sprout wings and fly to Paris if I desired,” Damocles mocked. “If you want the truth seek it from our master.”

  “I seek it from you. Tell me why you sneak through these tunnels like a thief.”

  The prickles became downright painful but Damocles determinedly ignored them.

  Only the strong survived in these caves.

  “I have been sworn to secrecy. Would you have me break my oath?”

  The Raven gave a disgusted sound. “As if an imp would know anything of oaths and honor.”

  Damocles could have told him that he held his oaths more dearly than anyone would ever know. Instead he leaned against the wall and inspected the golden thread on the cuff of his robe with arrogant indifference.

  “Did you seek me out to offer me tedious insults or did you have a purpose?”

  The lean, harsh features tightened. “Much against my wishes the master has charged you with retrieving the Shalott. So far you have done nothing more than offer empty promises. Where is the demon?”

  Damocles shrugged. “There has been a minor setback, but there is no reason to fear. I shall soon have her in my grasp.”

  Without warning Damocles found himself flat on his back nursing a bruised jaw. The blow had come so swiftly he hadn’t had a chance to avoid it.

  “I have no trust in you, imp, and even less liking. Your arrival at our door was a dark omen that has brought nothing but grief. Produce the Shalott or I will have your head.”

  Without a backward glance Styx was sweeping through the darkness and leaving Damocles to wipe the blood from his mouth.

  Alone Damocles allowed a smile to curve his lips.

  It was always a good day when he could provoke the bloody Prince of Ice to lose his temper.

  He intended to ensure there were many, many more such days.

  Chapter Five

  Waiting until Viper had left the kitchen Shay gathered the cartons of food and breathed in deeply of the delicious scent.

  Damn but she was starving.

  For the past weeks she had barely eaten enough to keep a bird alive. Evor enjoyed his tiny tortures and he thought it grand fun to watch her scrambling across the floor to gather the handful of crumbs he would toss through the bars of her cage.

  And as much as she hated accepting anything from the vampire, she couldn’t resist the temptation spread before her.

  Starting with the boxes of Chinese food she had managed to polish them off, and most of the fried chicken, when her captor strolled back into the room.

  Viper gave a lift of his brows at the sight of the empty cartons but, thankfully, he refrained from commenting on her gluttony.

p; “If you want to leave a list for my housekeeper I’m sure she’ll be able to keep the kitchen stocked with any food you prefer.”

  Shay glanced over the piles of food. “She’s already stocked it with everything but apple pie.”

  “I’m sure the apple pie could be arranged.”

  Shay didn’t doubt it for a moment. The housekeeper seemed the type to go over and above the call of duty.

  The question was whether the woman did it out of a sense of loyalty, or out of fear.

  “Does she know that you’re a vampire?”

  The full, sensual lips twitched in amusement. “The bags of blood filling the refrigerator usually give it away.”


  Her eyes narrowed. “Most humans refuse to believe in demons. Or if they do believe they are terrified of them”

  “Her family has served me for a number of centuries,” he explained. “In fact she has four sons who work at my various businesses.”

  “A regular dynasty.”

  He gave an elegant shrug. “It simplifies matters.”

  “I bet.”

  His expression was curious as he studied her tight features. “You sound disapproving. Does it bother you that I hire humans?”

  It did bother her, but not in the manner that he thought. “In my experience humans and demons don’t mix.”

  He moved until he was standing directly before her. He gently tucked a stray curl behind her ear.

  “That’s not entirely true, pet,” he said softly. “You’ve experienced the most intimate mixing of human and demon. A mixing that created you.”

  She resisted the shocking urge to rub her cheek against his lingering fingers. “That was… different.”

  He tilted her chin up to meet his searching gaze. “How was it different?”

  “Neither of my parents intended to fall in love.”

  A slow smile curved his lips. “Does anyone?”

  A tingle raced over her skin and Shay inched away. Space seemed a good choice when dealing with this unnerving vampire.

  Lots of space.

  “My father was preparing to leave and join the other Shalotts when he discovered my mother being attacked by a pack of werewolves,” she tried to explain. She had heard the story told by her mother a hundred times. Always with that sad, yearning expression that revealed her mother still mourned the loss of her husband. “He saved her life and then took her back to his home and helped to heal her.”

  “And fate did the rest?”

  She gave a jerky nod. “Something like that.”

  “Were they happy together?”

  His probing was beginning to touch those raw nerves that she didn’t want touched.

  “Yes. They loved each other very much.”

  He ignored the edge of warning in her voice. Of course. Instead he allowed his gaze to slowly roam over her barely covered body.

  “And they created you. I would say that the union of human and demon was clearly a match made in heaven.”

  She licked her dry lips. Either someone had just set a fire in the kitchen or the heat of his gaze was actually tangible.

  “It was hardly heaven for my father to be shunned by his people, or for me and my mother to be forced into hiding.”

  “If they were happy what did it matter?”

  She bit back her sharp words. Why bother? He was a vampire. He had never known a day of fear or uncertainty in his immortal life.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  He paused before giving a slow nod of his head. “Very well. If you are finished with your meal, I’ll show you to your room.”

  The egg rolls suddenly felt as if they weighed a hundred pounds in her stomach.

  She was well acquainted with the rooms offered to a slave. Dark dank holes with iron bars. It was one thing that never changed no matter who was her current master.


  He regarded her with a hint of curiosity. “Is there something else you wish to do?”

  Eat broken glass. Stab a knife in her eye. Throw herself off the roof.

  “I thought I might look about the house.” She casually shifted from his looming form. “It is after all to be my home.” Her lips tightened. “At least for now.”

  “There will be plenty of time for that tomorrow. Surely you must be exhausted?”

  “I require little sleep.”

  A small, worrisome smile played about his mouth. “What pleasant coincidence, I require little sleep myself.”

  Consumed with thoughts of a dank cell Shay was unprepared when he glided forward and scooped her from her feet.

  Tucked closely to his chest Shay roundly cursed her inattention. She might not be capable of vampire speed but she could have done more than stand there like a gaping trout.

  It was amazing what a well-placed kick or blow to the throat could do to even the most determined male.

  “What are you doing?” she gritted.

  With annoying ease, Viper moved toward the nearby doorway.

  “You said you wished a tour.”

  “I can wander about on my own. There is no need for you…”

  He hoisted her high enough so he could meet her gaze squarely. Just for a moment Shay struggled to breathe.

  It wasn’t just his stunning beauty. Most vampires were beautiful. How else could they so easily lure their prey? But there was something compelling about those midnight eyes. Something that threatened to stir sensations she definitely didn’t want stirred.

  “There is every need, my pet” he murmured in silken tones. “Now do be quiet and let me perform my duties as your host.”

  Shay grimly averted her gaze. She had never believed it was possible for her to ever be enthralled or seduced by a vampire, no matter what his powers. She had hated them her entire life.

  Now, she wasn’t nearly as certain as she should be.

  “Do you make a habit of carrying all your guests around?” she muttered as she battled the most ridiculous urge to squirm in his arms.

  “You are my first and only guest.”

  Her gaze shifted back to his elegant features. “You’re lying.”

  His brows arched. “Why do you say that?”

  “I can’t believe a man like you would be willing to leave his harem behind.”

  “A man like me?”

  “A vampire.”

  “Ah. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m currently harem-less.” The midnight eyes flashed their magic. “Unless, of course, you are volunteering?”

  The prickling excitement inched over her skin and pooled in the pit of her stomach. Dammit. She had never been so intensely aware of a man. Certainly not a man who had the bad taste to be a vampire.

  It was freaking annoying.

  Time for a distraction.

  “You’ve truly never had any guest here before?”

  The midnight gaze held a knowing amusement. One that made her want to take a poke at that long, perfectly aquiline nose.

  “I come here to be alone.”

  “Then why—”

  “Ah, the living room” he firmly intruded, as if it was his turn for a distraction. “You will notice, I hope, the fine bay window that offers a stunning view of the lake. The wooden floors are polished oak that is native to the estate, as is the wood for the hand-carved staircase. There is something terribly fascinating about the stone of the fireplace, but I must admit that I did not pay particular attention when the real estate agent was torturing me with her endless spiel.”

  She had a brief glimpse of a shadowed room that seemed to consume an enormous amount of space. Oddly, even in the dark and with a muted sense of vastness there was a feel of warmth to the room.

  No. She gave an unconscious shake of her head.

  The feeling of warmth was not the room, but the entire house.

  As if those who had lived here had made it truly a home and left behind the echoes of their happiness.

  Lost in her ridiculous thoughts it took a moment to
realize that Viper had not turned toward the nearby doorway that led further into the house. Instead he was climbing the wide sweep of stairs.


  Whatever his promises of not forcing himself upon her she didn’t trust him.

  He was a vampire.

  Enough said.

  “Surely that isn’t all the rooms on this floor?” she demanded.

  “No, but they are not nearly so intriguing as the rooms above.” His voice was the same velvet midnight of his eyes. Just as magical,

  Damn him.

  “I wish you would put me down. I’m perfectly capable of walking.” And running. And locking herself in the nearest room.

  “I like the feel of you close to me.” He reached the landing and turned into the first door on the right. He paused only long enough to touch the switch on the wall before continuing into the center of the room. “Here we are.”

  Holding herself stiffly, she studied her surroundings. She wasn’t sure what she expected. Whips. Chains. Shackles bolted to the wall.

  Instead she discovered a room that possessed the same welcoming warmth she had sensed from downstairs.

  “This is your bedroom?” she demanded, regarding the large four-poster bed with its thick quilt and hand-carved dresser that held a vase of fresh daisies.

  She could think of nothing less suited to the elegant, sophisticated vampire.

  Oddly his face became an unreadable mask. Even the midnight eyes were guarded.

  “Actually it is yours.”

  Her heart forgot to beat. “Mine?”

  “Do you like it?”

  “I…” She licked her dry lips. Suddenly the soft, charming room was more frightening than any amount of chains or shackles. “Why?”

  He studied her expression with that unnerving intensity of a predator. “Why what?”

  “I’m your slave. You can do anything you want to me. Why are you treating me like some sort of privileged guest?”

  “It is because you are my slave that means I can treat you in any manner I think fitting.”

  She closed her eyes against the power of his gaze. “Please, just tell me what you want from me” she whispered. “The not knowing is worse than anything you can do to me.”

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