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Embrace The Darkness Page 3

  “Unless his master comes to search for him.”

  Evor’s eyes flashed red. “You think be will?”

  “My talents do not include reading the future “

  “I must move the body.” The troll shot a glance toward the lifeless body. “Perhaps I should burn it?”

  “Not my problem.” Viper shrugged his indifference. “I will take my property now.”

  “Oh, of course. Such confusion.” Nervously searching his pockets Evor at last came up with a small amulet that he held out to the impatient vampire. “Here you are.”

  Holding the amulet in his long, slender fingers Viper regarded the troll with a lift of his brows.


  “As long as you hold the amulet the Shalott must come when you call her.”

  The midnight gaze slid toward Shay. She stiffened at the smoldering satisfaction that glinted within it.

  “So, she cannot escape me?” he murmured.


  “What else does this do?”

  “Nothing. I fear you shall have to control her on your own.” Evor dug in his pockets once again to extract a heavy key that he handed to Viper. “I would suggest you leave the shackles upon her until she is safely locked in a cell.”

  Viper’s gaze never left Shay’s tight expression. “Oh, I do not fear controlling her,” he said softly. “Leave us.”

  Evor gave a smooth bow as he motioned toward his goons. “As you will.”

  Careful to collect the money still laying on the stage, Evor hustled the trolls before him and left the room. Once alone Viper moved to kneel before Shay who was still crouched beside the pole.

  “Well, my pet. We meet again,” he murmured.

  Ridiculously Shay felt her breath catch. My God, he was so beautiful. Eyes as dark and beguiling as a velvet night sky. The features chiseled by the hand of a master craftsman. The spill of silver hair that shimmered like the finest satin.

  As if he had been created for the sole purpose of pleasuring every fortunate woman who crossed his path.

  The urge to reach out and touch those perfect features and discover if they could possibly be real shuddered through her.

  Shay discovered her hand actually lifting when she caught herself. Crap. What was wrong with her?

  This… treacherous rodent had just bought her lock, stock, and barrel, as Levet would say.

  She wanted to stick a stake in his heart, not discover if he could deliver on the pleasure he promised.

  “I would say it’s a pleasant surprise, but it isn’t,” she muttered.

  “Not pleasant, or not a surprise?”

  The silken words spread over her skin making her shiver in response. Even his voice was created to make a woman climax on the spot.

  “Guess.” she gritted.

  He arched a brow that was several shades darker than his hair. “I would think you would be a bit more grateful, pet. I did just rescue you from what I suspect was a very grim future.”

  “I am not your pet, and my future is hardly less grim with you.”

  “You do not yet know my plans for you.”

  “You are a vampire. That’s all I need to know.”

  He reached out a slender hand to touch the curls that had come loose from her braid to trail over her cheek. A cool rush of power swept through her body making her stomach clench with sharp pleasure.

  Damn vampire.

  “You believe we are all the same?”

  “Vampires have been after my blood for a hundred years. Why should you be any different?”

  His lips twitched with amusement. “Why indeed.”

  She pulled back only to be halted by the shackles that dug painfully into her wrists.

  “Did you know I would be here when you came?” she demanded.

  There was a momentary pause before he gave a nod. “Yes.”

  “And that’s why you’re here?”



  “Obviously because I wished to have you.”

  That pang of disappointment returned to stab through her heart. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  “Even after I saved your life?”

  He tilted his head to one side to allow the long silver hair to trail over his shoulder.

  “Saved my life? Perhaps.”

  Shay widened her eyes in shock. “What do you mean, perhaps? Edra intended to kill you. I took a spell blast meant for you.”

  He shrugged. “Certainly you prevented a nasty wound, but it is impossible to determine if it would have been a killing blow.”

  “You jackass,” she breathed, beyond caring that she was now his slave and utterly in his power. “I saved your life and yet you came here to buy me.”

  “Was there another among the bidders you would have preferred?”

  “I would have preferred to kill you all.”

  His soft chuckle floated on the air. “So bloodthirsty.”

  “No, I’m sick of being at the mercy of every demon, monster, witch, or freak who has the money to buy me.”

  He stilled as the midnight gaze searched her flushed face. “Understandable, I suppose.”

  “You understand nothing.”

  His faint smile remained, but for the first time Shay noticed the lines of strain around his magnificent eyes.

  “Perhaps not, but I do understand that I am in no humor to battle you this evening, pet. I have been injured and I need blood to recover my strength.”

  Shay had nearly forgotten the stab wounds he had received during his battle with the man. Not that she particularly cared at the moment.

  She didn’t like his mention of blood.


  The amusement returned to his eyes as he easily read her unease. “And while I prefer to escort you to my lair in a civilized manner, I can keep you shackled and drag you there kicking and screaming. The choice is yours.”

  She refused to show her relief. It was only a matter of time before she became an unwilling donor.

  “Some choice.”

  “For the moment it is the only one you have. What is it to be?”

  She glared at him before at last sticking out her arms. There was no point in fighting the inevitable. Besides the iron rubbing against her skin was hurting worse than she wanted to admit.

  “Take off the shackles.”

  “I have your word that you will not attempt to fight me?”

  Shay blinked in surprise. “You trust my word?”



  “Because I can read your soul.” He held her gaze with ease. “Your word?”

  Well… crap.

  She didn’t want him to know that once she gave her word she would never go back on it. It gave him yet another hold over her.

  For a moment she refused to make the pledge. How could she live with herself if she didn’t at least try to put a stake through his heart? She did have her pride, after all. But as he continued to stare at her with that unnerving stillness only a vampire could pull off, she heaved a grudging sigh. He was prepared to remain in that precise position for an eternity if necessary.

  “For tonight I will not attempt to fight you,” she said through gritted teeth.

  He smiled at her grudging promise. “As good as I’m going to get, I suppose.”

  “Damn straight.”


  Viper found a smile tugging at his lips as he escorted the Shalott from the auction house to his waiting car. He wasn’t at all sure why he was pleased. He had come to the auction because he couldn’t get the beautiful demon out of his mind. He didn’t have a clue what he intended to do with her. He had only known he couldn’t allow anyone else to own her.

  His plans, however, hadn’t included a battle with some minor dark wizard, or pissing off a powerful enemy that would no doubt want revenge, or being treated like some bloodsucking monster by his very own slave.

  So why the devil was he smiling?

  His gaze lowered t
o watch the angry twitch of Shay’s hips as she walked in front of him. Ah, yes. Now he remembered.

  A lick of pure desire curled through his stomach.

  The scent of her potent blood was enough to make any vampire hard and aching. She perfumed the very air with lust. But that was not what captured and held his attention.

  It was her exotic beauty, the manner in which she moved with that liquid grace, the fierce determination that shimmered in the golden eyes, and the danger that swirled about her like a cloud of enticement.

  She would never be just an easy lay. Her lover would never know when he kissed her whether she would wrap her legs around him or rip his heart out.

  It added a delicious dash of excitement that he hadn’t felt in far too long.

  With his eyes still transfixed by the gentle sway of her hips Viper was forced to step to the side as Shay came to a sharp halt in front of the gleaming black limo.

  “Is this yours?” she demanded.

  “For my sins.”

  She forced a smile to her lips, but Viper could feel her wariness. She seemed more disturbed than impressed by his blatant display of wealth.


  “I like to live well.” With a smooth motion Viper pulled the door open and motioned with his hand. “After you.”

  There was a tense beat, and then with a tilt of her chin, Shay was climbing into the dimly lit depths.

  “Holy crap.” she muttered beneath her breath.

  He smiled as he settled in the seat across from her. The car was a work of art. Plush white seats, polished satinwood, moonroof, built-in wine cabinet, and plasma TV.

  What more could a discerning vampire desire?

  Waiting until the car smoothly purred from the curb, Viper pulled out two crystal glasses and poured them a generous measure of his favorite vintage.

  “Wine? It is a particularly exquisite burgundy.”

  She took the glass only to sniff at it as if she feared it might be poison. “I wouldn’t know the difference if you had brewed it in your bathtub.”

  Viper hid his smile by taking an appreciative sip of the wine. “I see I shall have to introduce you to the delights of fine living.”

  The golden eyes narrowed. “Why?”

  “Why what?”

  “Why would you bother? It can’t matter to you if I appreciate expensive wine or mile-long limos.”

  He gave a small shrug. “I prefer a companion who possesses a bit of sophistication.”

  “Companion?” Shay gave a short, humorless laugh. “Me?”

  “I did pay a great deal of money for you. Did you believe that I intended to hide you away in some damp cell?”

  “Why not? You can drain me as easily in a damp cell as anywhere.”

  Viper sprawled with elegant ease in his seat, wincing slightly as his injuries protested at the pressure against them. They would be healed within a few hours, but until then they would be a painful reminder of his most recent battle.

  “It is true that I could make a fortune off your blood,” he murmured, regarding her tight expression over the rim of his glass. “Vampires would pay any price for a taste of your potent elixir. However, I have no desperate need for more wealth, and for the moment I prefer to keep you to myself.”

  “Your own private stock?” she rasped, folding her arms over her stomach.

  “Perhaps,” he murmured in distracted tones as he reached into a small compartment beneath his seat and removed a small ceramic pot. “Hold out your arms.”

  She predictably stiffened, her breath catching in horror. She had made it clear that she considered sharing her blood with a vampire a fate worse than death.


  “I said, hold out your arms.”



  Her jaw worked as she glared at him with fury. Viper held out a slender hand, calmly waiting.

  Long moments passed before she muttered a low curse and thrust out her arm.


  Grasping her forearm in one hand he used his other hand to scoop out the pale green cream from the ceramic pot and carefully began to smear it on the red and blistered skin of her wrists. The wounds from the iron shackles would scar unless proper care was taken.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “There is no need for you to suffer. I have no liking for witches, but not even I can deny they know how to brew a hell of an ointment.”

  A frown touched her brow as he reached to tend to her other wrist.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “You’re injured.”

  “Yes, but… why do you care?”

  Viper met her gaze steadily. “You belong to me now. I take care of my own.”

  Her lips thinned, not entirely happy with his explanation, but her muscles relaxed beneath his gentle touch and she didn’t try to pull away. Not until he lifted her wrist so he could press his lips to her raw skin.

  “No, please,” she whispered, “I…”

  Without warning her eyes widened, and with a powerful movement that caught him off guard, she had pulled free of his hold and had her hand pressed to the window.

  Viper tensed at the sudden danger in the air. “What is it?”

  “The darkness from the auction house,” she whispered. “It’s following us.”

  “Get down.” he commanded, once again reaching beneath the seat. On this occasion he pulled out a sleek handgun.

  There was a sudden thump as the limo was hit from behind and Viper muttered a low curse. He wasn’t concerned they would wreck. The car had been built to withstand a small nuclear bomb. And, of course, his driver was a vampire. Pierre’s reflexes were the best he had ever seen. Not to mention the fact he was immortal.

  The perfect chauffeur.

  But he would have the heart of anyone stupid enough to so blatantly attack him.

  Leaning sideways Viper slowly lowered the smoke-tinted window. A gust of air whipped through the interior, stealing the comforting warmth. Fall had descended without mercy, leaving a chilled edge to the night

  Behind them a large jeep was continuing to accelerate in a futile effort to run them off the road. Even at a distance he could. tell that there were two passengers, and that they were both human.

  “Give me one.”

  Startled by Shay’s soft demand Viper turned to regard her with a narrowed gaze.

  “You know how to use a gun?”


  Keeping his gaze locked on her wide eyes he reached beneath the seat to offer her a handgun similar to his own. With startling efficiency she measured the balance of the gun in her hand, before smoothly flicking off the safety.

  He would wager his finest ruby it was not the first occasion she held a gun.

  Not precisely reassuring.

  At least she wasn’t about to accidentally shoot off her foot, or worse his own, he wryly acknowledged as he rolled down the opposite window.

  “Aim at the tires,” he commanded, leaning out the window and steadying his hip against the door. He paused, sighted, pulled the trigger, and took out the front tire with one shot. On the other side of the car Shay sprayed a line of bullets, at last puncturing the other tire. The pursuing car pulled hard to the right and Viper managed a shot through the side window, hitting the driver although it was impossible to tell if it was a killing blow.

  The car plunged off the road and Viper sent his thoughts to Pierre who was already slowing the limo. He wanted those men. He wanted them in his clutches to drain them of every last thread of information they might possess.

  And then he intended to just drain them.

  Whoever, or whatever, wanted his Shalott was proving to be more than merely a pest.

  He needed to know precisely what he was up against.

  The thought had barely crossed his mind when the skidding car rammed into a light pole. He muttered a curse, and then another as the car promptly exploded into a ball of flames.

l, devil’s balls.

  Didn’t that only happen in the movies?

  Folding himself back into the car he gave a rap on the divider. On cue the limo sped easily into the darkness.

  Viper watched as Shay lowered herself back in her seat. Closing the windows he held out his hand for the gun. There was only the faintest hesitation before she placed it in his hand and Viper bent down to place both guns in the hidden cabinet.

  Settling more comfortably against the leather he flashed her a faint smile. “Not bad.”

  “It pulls right.”

  His smile widened. “Yes, I know.”

  Her eyes slowly narrowed. “You thought I might turn it on you?”

  “Was it not a temptation?” he demanded.

  “A gun can’t kill you.”

  “The bullets are silver and would have at least caused me damage.”

  Her eyes glittered with then unspoken warning that she wanted to do tads more than cause mere damage.

  “You said that you trusted me.”

  “I have not survived so many centuries without realizing that I can occasionally be wrong. I fully embrace the motto ‘better safe than sorry.’”

  She tossed herself into the corner of her seat, yanking at the long raven braid that was draped over her shoulder. She had been angry when he had demanded her pledge not to offer him harm, annoyed that he had easily read her noble spirit. Now she was angry that he remained cautious.

  Part demon or not, she was as contrary as any woman.

  “If I wanted to hurt you, I wouldn’t need a gun” she muttered in low tones.

  Chapter Three

  Shay wasn’t entirely stupid.

  She knew that baiting a vampire under any circumstances was dangerous. Like playing Russian roulette with a fully loaded pistol. Especially when she was completely and utterly at his mercy.

  But while every sense might warn her to keep her mouth shut and disappear into the butter soft leather seat, her raw pride simply refused to listen.

  Beyond being a vampire Viper was everything she disliked.

  He was too beautiful, too obscenely rich, and worst of all, too brashly confident of his own worth.

  That grated worst of all.

  Deep within her she envied that cool, stately arrogance. Even if she lived a millennium she would never attain such a sure belief in her own worth.